Your First Visit to Our Arkansas City Practice
“Welcome to YOUR office” is the way we like to make you feel. Your first step will include meeting our staff members. Staff members assist you to make your first visit as easy as possible. If you have filled out the online paperwork GREAT; if not we will assist you in making this one time event painless. The two things to bring with your are a picture ID, and if you are utilizing insurance, your insurance card. If the insurance is in someone else’s name (i.e. your spouse or other family member) please have their date of birth as it is required to process the insurance. If the patient is under the age of 18, a legal guardian must accompany the patient to sign the appropriate paper work.

Appropriate examinations will be conducted.
Next you will meet Dr. Wood. He will perform the appropriate examination, or examinations, depending on the complexity of your case. These include:
- Range of Motion testing
- Neurological testing
- Muscle Testing
- An orthopedic examination of the area of complaint.
- X-rays will be taken if Dr. Wood determines they are needed.
Finally a brief 9-minute DVD will be shown to introduce you to the wonderful world of chiropractic and let you know what to expect on your next visit. An audio CD and “Frequently Asked Questions” brochure will be your homework for the evening. These tools will help you to be familiar with some of the terminology as well as dispel some frequent misconceptions regarding Chiropractic Care. We will schedule a special appointment time to discuss your exam and X-ray findings with you. We highly recommend bringing a loved one with you at this time because you do not want to miss anything that is pertinent to you getting your health back.
Learn more about what to expect at your second visit or contact us to get started today. We look forward to meeting you!